Pastor Refugio Rodriguez

Message from our pastor:

I started going to church with my mom at a young age of 2 and a half years old, in 1982.  I loved playing with all the kids. I grew and started getting involved as an adolescent. I started going to church with one of my uncles, at a new church. The majority were young people. I gave my life to Jesus at 14 and was baptized in 1992. Moved to Sacramento with my parents and siblings. There, I met, who later became my wife, Laura.  We married in 2000 and we had twin girls. I was ordained for the church ministry as a young adult and started dedicating my life to Jesus. Soon was married with my wife and started a life on my own.

I have had struggles in my ministry. Searching the specific calling in me to work for our Lord. I have always enjoyed church because God gave me musical and singing talents. I wanted Him to use me in a mighty way, it is now that God placed a fire in me. With the recent passing of my dad, also pastor of the church, God raised me up to take leadership.  Through struggles and great joy, He will continue to guide me while I give everything I have as a servant for His children.

Mensaje de nuestro pastor:

Yo comence en la iglesia con mi mama a la edad de 2 anos y medio, en 1982.  Me encantaba jugar con todos los ninos.  Como adolesente, comenze involucrandome.  Luego comenze ir a la iglesia con un tio mio, una nueva iglesia.  La mayoria eran jovenes.  Entregue me vida al Senor Jesus a los 14 anos y me bautize en 1992.  Me movi con mis padres y hermanos a Sacramento.  Alli conoci la que ahora es mi esposa, Laura.  Nos casamos en 2000 y tuvimos una gemelas.  Fui ordenado para el ministerio siendo hombre joven y comenze a dedicar mi vida a Jesus.  Pronto me case y comenze una vida individual.

He tenido contratiempos en mi ministerio.  Buscando el llamado especifico en mi vida en el trabajo del Senor.  Siempre encontre gozo en la iglesia porque Dios me dio el talento de musica y cantante.  Queria que El me usara en una manera fuerte, es hoy que Dios ha puesto un fuego en mi.  Con la reciente muerte de mi papa, el Pastor de la iglesia, Dios me ha levantado para tomar el liderazgo.  Entre batallas y gran gozo, El continuara a guiarme mientras le entrego todo como siervo de Sus hijos.